Sunday 8 March 2015

FANTASY SNOOKER LEAGUE: Points update and India Info

After a week off from the blog after the Gdynia Open, it's time for me to come back and update the points for my Cue Action Blog Fantasy League, along with giving all of you Fantasy League players the necessary information to make your picks for this weeks upcoming Indian Open which starts in the early hours of Tuesday morning, UK Time.

We're not here to mess about though, so let's have a look at how the points table looks after updating all of the points from last weekends Gdynia Open. Also, to save all of you asking, I'm going to put in brackets next to each player how much money he has built up through leftovers.

1st: Andrew Brooker - 491 points (7 Million leftover)
2nd: Gorkem Kurt - 408 points (0 Million leftover)
3rd: Ezgi Ulutas - 403 points (2.5 Million leftover)
4th: Gary - 374 points (2 Million leftover)
5th: Michael Coudray - 370 points (3 Million leftover)
6th: SnookerFollower - 358 points (4.3 Million leftover)
7th: Sean - 350 points (13.2 Million leftover)
8th: LTD - 309 points (1.5 Million leftover)
9th: Guillermo - 292 points (1 Million leftover)
10th: TungstenDarts - 273 points (8 Million leftover)
11th: Anthony Ward - 272 points (8 Million leftover)
12th: Kjetil - 234 points (15 Million leftover)

Right then, back to this week now and here's the information for the Indian Open:


The news for this week is that there are of course 64 players that have qualified for the venue in Mumbai, and because of that I'm just going to say that the players will be priced up on ranking according to the pricing bracket that was used for the Welsh Open, to save me individually pricing up 64 names, and if there are any queries I can again be contacted via Twitter in the usual way. The only other thing to note is that there are 6 Indian Wildcards in the draw, these players are not available to be chosen and Wildcard round matches do not carry any points on them, so don't pick the six pros involved in wildcard games, eyeing it as an opportunity to score extra points. Finally, there were around 4 or 5 amateur players that came through the qualifiers, but as these players do not have a ranking, they are not available to be picked for this tournament.

Thanks very much for your time as always, and if there are any issues with tipping please let me know. Otherwise, enjoy your picking for this week.

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