Here's how the table shapes up after the Shanghai Masters:
1st: Daniela Reich: Ding, Selby 78
1st: Anthony: Selby, Ding 78
3rd: Gary: Ding, Bingham 74
4th: Phil Mudd: Ding, Trump 52
4th: Isitan Bakar: Bingham, Maguire 52
4th: Munraj: Ding, Trump 52
7th: SnookerFollower: Bingham, Carter 45
8th: Gorkem: O’Sullivan, Selby 38
9th: Kellie Barker: Selby, Wilson 35
9th: LTD: Wilson, Selby 35
11th: Michael Coudray: Carter, Holt 34
12th: FAM147: Bingham, Perry 29
12th: TungstenDarts: Perry, Bingham 29
12th: Kjetil: Wenbo, Bingham 29
12th: Mark Taylor: Robertson, Bingham 29
12th: TYIO: Gould, Bingham 29
17th: Andrew Brooker: Wilson, Maguire 25
18th: Igor: Murphy, Carter 16
18th: Matthew Lowson: Murphy, Carter 16
20th: Ezgi Ulutas: Wilson, Robertson 2
I have put the players picked into the table for this year because of the change of rules, so you will all know who you have picked and how many times over the season.
The deadline for picks for the European Masters is before the first matches on the Monday morning, good luck once again and enjoy yourselves.
Judd Trump and Mark Selby for me please ;-)